Movie produced in 1991 published in 1995. The film was directed by Yashvant Pethkar, whose career started with non-religious hindi cinema in...
Showing posts with label Yashwant Pethkar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yashwant Pethkar. Show all posts
Keechak Vadha (1959)
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10:48 PM
Director: Yeshwant Pethkar cast-helen,Shobhana Samarth
Choravar Mor (1958)
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10:45 PM
Director: Yeshwant Pethkar
Zale Gele Visrun Ja (1957)
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10:20 PM
director-Yeshwant Pethkar
Molkarin (1963)
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9:59 PM
चित्रपट - मोलकरीण (१९६३) गीत - ग. दि. माडगूळकर संगीत - वसंत देसाई स्वर - आशा भोसले कलाकार - रमेश देव, सीमा गीत - कशी झोकात चालली कोळ्य...
Tuch Majhi Vahini (1966)
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12:21 PM
Dir: Yeshwant Pethkar
Vithal Rakhumai (1951)
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10:41 AM
Director: Yashwant Pethkar Music: Sudhir Phadke CAST-shahu modak