Marathi movies that address social issues in India

 Marathi cinema has produced several movies that have tackled important social issues in India. Here are some Marathi movies that focus on social issues:

  1. Sairat (2016) - This film explores the theme of caste-based discrimination and the challenges of inter-caste love relationships.

  2. Natsamrat (2016) - The movie is about the story of a retired actor who struggles with various social issues, such as neglect by his family and societal pressure.

  3. Nagraj Manjule's Fandry (2013) - The movie explores caste-based discrimination and the struggles of a young boy to overcome it.

  4. Sujay Dahake's Shala (2012) - The movie is set in the 1970s and deals with issues such as bullying, peer pressure, and the education system.

  5. Mala Aai Vhhaychy (2009) - This movie raises awareness about surrogacy and deals with the story of a woman who agrees to be a surrogate mother.

  6. Gajendra Ahire's Anumati (2013) - The movie explores issues such as aging and death with dignity.

  7. Astu (2013) - This film is about the story of an Alzheimer's patient and his struggle with memory loss and other related issues.

These are just a few examples of Marathi movies that address social issues in India. There are many other excellent Marathi movies that also focus on important social issues.

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